
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Tualatin and Portland, Oregon

Daxxify Gorin Plastic Surgery Portland

Daxxify is an injectable treatment that reduces the appearance of deep frown lines in the face. It is part of a class of neuromodulators that can relax facial muscles and works in similar ways to other injectables such as Botox and Dysport. However, it is different in that it contains a special peptide called RTP004 that makes it last longer than comparable treatments. (1) This stabilizing force contributes to the treatment’s effective results and prolonged durability. This treatment is also better at remaining in place at the injection site, as its formula prevents the substance from migrating to different areas on the face. The long-lasting nature of this injectable neuromodulator makes it a great option for patients who are looking for a way to achieve facial rejuvenation in fewer office visits.

At Gorin Plastic Surgery near Portland, we provide patients with Daxxify injections that can treat frown lines, or so-called “11-lines” that can appear on the forehead. After leaving our office, patients are on their way to enjoying results that appear to take years off their faces. To learn more about what Daxxify can do for your facial rejuvenation, call Gorin Plastic Surgery at (503) 692-7222 or fill out our contact form and we will schedule an appointment for you.

About Daxxify

Daxxify contains botulinum toxin type A (BoNTA), which serves to prevent muscles from tightening and contracting. When we inject this treatment into the muscles in the forehead, specifically the corrugator or procerus muscle, this can prevent certain wrinkles and deep lines in the face from forming. (2) The effects of Daxxify do wear off over time, but this medication boasts a longer duration than other neuromodulators; Daxxify can last anywhere from 6-9 months until the muscles regain full contraction ability. Daxxify’s enhanced duration and fast-acting work together to provide an efficient and effective treatment for patients with deep frown lines. (1)


Daxxify offers several benefits that can improve a patient’s outlook on their appearance, and thus improve their overall confidence. Additional benefits of Daxxify include:

  • Results can last up to 6-9 months
  • Return visits are less numerous
  • Less invasive than surgical facial treatments
  • Injections can be tailored to patients’ needs
  • Natural-looking results
  • Improved skin texture and smoothness


If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of moderate-to-severe deep frown lines, you may be a good candidate for Daxxify injections. However, candidates must be 18 years of age or older. It will also help if you are in good health, with no infections or breakouts on your facial skin. Additionally, you will need to have realistic expectations about the kinds of benefits Daxxify can provide. After your initial consultation at Gorin Plastic Surgery, we can help you determine if you are eligible to receive Daxxify injections.

Personal Consultation

Daxxify Gorin Plastic Surgery Portland

During your personal consultation, you will meet with a member of our care team to discuss your Daxxify treatment. You will be able to ask any questions you may have about the process at this time. The consultation will consist of a close examination of the problem areas that Daxxify can help ameliorate. We will let you know where and how many times we will inject the Daxxify into the forehead muscles, and how often you may require touch-up appointments. To schedule this personal consultation, you will need to either call Gorin Plastic Surgery at (503) 692-7222 or fill out our contact form with the necessary information.


There is not much you will need to do to prepare for your Daxxify treatment. However, following these recommendations can optimize your overall Daxxify experience:

  • Omit blood thinners and supplements from your medication regimen at least 2 weeks before your injections.
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol a few days before your appointment.
  • Prepare to arrive at your appointment with a clean face.
  • Let us know if you develop any infections, breakouts, or other skin problems at any point before your appointment date.


The Daxxify injection procedure is very simple. Upon your arrival, we will review your treatment plan with you so you know what to expect. After preparing your skin, we will inject Daxxify into the muscles of the forehead that cause the deep, 11-shaped lines that cause an aged or strained appearance. When Daxxify interacts with these muscles, it will bind to the proteins present in the muscle’s signal-generating nerve terminals. Once they bind to these proteins, the nerves will no longer be able to send signals. More specifically, the nerves will no longer be able to trigger the release of acetylcholine, which is a chemical in the body that tells muscles they need to contract. Essentially, Daxxify relaxes the muscles in the forehead, but only in the carefully chosen areas that we inject it into. (2) The Daxxify injection process usually takes less than 30 minutes.


Recovery from Daxxify injections is usually very simple. It is normal to experience mild redness, swelling, or bruising in the treated areas. We may recommend that you gently apply a cold compress to your face if these issues become bothersome for you. These side effects will most likely diminish over the course of a few days. We will advise against massaging or putting pressure on the injection site, exposing yourself to extreme heat or direct sun, drinking alcohol, and strenuous exercise for at least 2 days after your appointment. To prevent the medication from improperly distributing in the face, you should sit relatively still right after the injection, and you should not lie down for at least 4 hours afterward. (2) After 2 days, the medication will settle into place and you can resume all normal activities.


After your Daxxify treatment, you can expect to see results appear as early as the next day. What you will most likely see after your injection takes effect is a smoother forehead that contributes to a more youthful appearance. Without those unappealing lines, the face can take on a more pleasant expression. In one study involving over 600 patients, researchers found Daxxify to be significantly effective for the patients who received it; after 4 weeks, 95% of these patients were satisfied with the results of their treatment. (3) Daxxify can also prevent more permanent lines from forming on the forehead in the future, so may be used by those with less severe lines as a pre-emptive treatment. After 6-9 months, when the effects of Daxxify wear off, you may want to consider returning for more injections that can recreate the results you initially achieved.

Cost of Daxxify in Portland

The cost of a Daxxify treatment will depend on your specific treatment plan. To determine the cost of your Daxxify treatment, you will need to attend a personal consultation at Gorin Plastic Surgery so that we can evaluate your unique needs. We offer financing options to help patients manage and plan out their expenses. To schedule an informative meeting with a member of our staff, please call (503) 692-7222 so that we can help you set up an appointment at your earliest convenience.


How long does Daxxify last?

Daxxify can last for around 6-9 months. This is about twice as long as Botox. However, everyone may experience Daxxify differently. Some patients may see their results last for longer than the reported time range, and others may need touch-up treatments more often. We can adjust your treatment units as needed, and carry out maintenance injections when required.

Is Daxxify better than Botox?

It is ultimately up to the patient to decide if Daxxify or Botox is a better treatment option for them. While Daxxify and Botox share many similarities, there are some key differences that patients may want to consider as they are deciding which treatment to pursue. For example, Daxxify tends to last longer than Botox thanks to the slight differences in its formula; Daxxify contains a special peptide that helps keep the medication in place. Patients who receive Botox injections may see results last for around 3-4 months.

How does Daxxify work?

Daxxify works as a neuromodulator that blocks the nerve signals that tell muscles to contract. By specifically relaxing the types of muscles in the forehead that cause deep grooves to appear, Daxxify can smooth out the skin for a rejuvenated appearance. Daxxify not only lessens the appearance of already-apparent frown lines, but it can also help prevent deeper lines from forming in the future.

Can I combine Daxxify with other treatments?

Absolutely! Combining Daxxify with dermal fillers or skincare regimens can often yield synergistic effects for even better results.


  1. Salame N, Eber AE, Dover J. DaxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm (DaxxifyTM): A Comprehensive Overview. Skin Therapy Letter. 2023;28(4):1-3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37440610/
  2. Dodia P, Rice AS. DaxibotulinumtoxinA-Ianm. PubMed. Published 2024. Accessed July 26, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK594233/
  3. Carruthers JD, Fagien S, Joseph JH, et al. DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection for the Treatment of Glabellar Lines. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2020;145(1):45-58. doi:https://doi.org/10.1097/prs.0000000000006327